Saturday, May 3, 2014

Everything is Awesome!!!!

So I graduated today, got home, and took a nap, then went outside to find my foam puzzle mats on the doorstep... I then went to see the lego movie on a whim (CAN'T GET THAT DANG SONG OUTTA MY HEAD) and got home and assembled and cut them to fit the space I have... I now have an approximately 32 square foot puzzling area to work on (that I'll probably be allergic to... at least till the smell gets better)

anyways, here are a few pics of my puzzle area, and the puzzle I am working on =)

 the puzzle on the old puzzle board...
 The new puzzle mats set up...
Close up of the puzzle on the mats =)

The one problem will be moving sections  during a larger puzzle as the friction is high enough that I really had to work to move the puzzle back onto the mats, although, I don't think it'll be quite that bad once I have the entire puzzle finished...


  1. This is a cute little puzzle! And, CONGRATULATIONS on graduating college!!!!! Woo Hoo. Is this a 4-year degree you just got?

    1. somehow I didn't see your message... It's my BSMT that i got (bachelors of science in Music Therapy) and it was a totally cute little puzzle...
