Tuesday, February 25, 2014

DR days 18/19/20

I have now finished blue, and have started red... Red is going to be a pain in the tookus, it's got the most pieces of any color, and it's just going to be a pain... yellow has a similar number of pieces, however that will be easy once I've done all this red as I'll have a better idea of the exact size and shape of the pieces, and how much black there is, I swear these pieces are taunting me, I'm certain the black is going to be a certain shape and take up a certain section of the piece i'm looking for, yet I search, and search, just to find it looks nothing like I expected...

so picture time =)

 1 more hour of work, easy peasy
 yet another hour of work fun and easy =)
 My first two fully finished sections
 Sorted red, took a full hour of sorting
 First 30 minutes of work on red
 My first hour total.
 Another thirty minutes
 The tail was a pain in my rear end... there's nothing worse than thinking the black is going to be a bigger percentage of the piece just to find that it's not...
Total 2 hours of puzzling on red =D

Sorting 13 Hours
Pink: 8 Hours
Green: 3.5 Hours
Orange: 10 Hours
Blue: 5 Hours
Red: 2 hours
Total: 41.5 hours


  1. Tookus?! Are you Jewish by chance, David? I've only heard my husband's Jewish family refer to it as a tookus. Too cute! Made me laugh.... :o)

    You are coming along well, but I'm surprised that you didn't do a top and bottom panel from either the left or the right side so that you could take advantage of the repeat pattern for the opposite side. Did you decide not to use the repeat pattern to make it more challenging for yourself?

    1. no I am not jewish, I just watched a lot of "the Nanny" when I was younger LOL!!

      I decided not to use the repeating pattern for the panels because honestly I feel like that would kind of be cheating... Now the white part, I might very well use the repeating pattern, but the color part, no =)

  2. LOL...the Nanny.

    I can see why you would feel it's cheating....some people are completely against using repeat patterns and others relish in it. Everyone is different in their approach. I'm not using the repeat pattern in my Life puzzle either. Trying to do it all on my own.
